Head of Studio
    Reformer + Mat Pilates Instructor

    Dineka’s love for Pilates stated back in 2020 after trying for the first time. Following a rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis, she was looking for a form of movement that didn’t trigger inflammation in her joints. Reformer Pilates allowed her to workout and move her body consistently without experiencing any pain.

    After a short month of Reformer Pilates and seeing REAL transformation in her body, Dineka was hooked, madly in love she says!

    She decided to get her license because she wanted other women like herself to feel the exact same way, to experience that Pilates high.

    You’re in loving hands anytime you take a class lead by Dineka! Prepare for a good ole spicy time!

  • Instructor

    Yoga Instructor

  • Instructor

    Mat Pilats Instructor